Education Projects

'Education stretches beyond the classroom'

On arrival in Oman, in the Middle East, I couldn't help but notice the extent of plastic waste throughout the region and how little greenery there was.

It became obvious to me that this was a lack of understanding and education, rather than ignorance towards the environment. Motivated by the idea, I immediately established the 'Eco Warriors' group at my school. 

The initial goals were to spread knowledge, develop sustainable behaviours, and cultivate a sense of environmental responsibility among pupils and their families.

Green Goals

Encourage people to recognise and value the cultural significance of indigenous trees in Omani society.

Learn about the intricate nature of plant biodiversity, practice conserving water, and develop strategies for maintaining ecosystems in dry environments.

Organise tree-planting initiatives alongside the local community. Aiming to increase the amount of greenery and environmental vitality.


Planting the school's first tree. Preparing the soil and plant ready for the WaterBoxx, which will drip-feed the tree for six weeks reducing water consumption by 80%.

Eco Warriors

A brand-new delivery of fresh plants and trees is available for our "Eco Warriors" group to plant. We are gradually constructing a sensory garden that will be enjoyed for many years by all employees and students.


Making progress: Here's our first tree maturing nicely. It's almost time to remove the waterboxx and let the tree survive on its own now that it has discovered an adequate supply of water.


Locals helped plant trees around the perimeter of the school after being shown how to install the WaterBoxx.

Omani Tree Day

School staff are supporting our 'Eco Warriors' during Omani Tree Day.

Water Reduction

Learning how the WaterBoxx reduces water consumption and supports tree routes finding their own source of water.

Plastic Goals

Increase awareness regarding the detrimental impact of plastic waste on Oman's environment.

Educate families on practical strategies to minimise plastic consumption within their households.

Provide guidance on upcycling and recycling techniques to effectively manage plastic waste and promote a sustainable approach to plastic usage.


Teaching pupils about the effects of single-use plastics on their oceans. Students are preparing posters to launch a campaign at the local supermarket.


Our 'Eco Warrior' assemblies are being attended by students, teachers, and local families in an effort to increase awareness of the plastic issue in Oman and promote a sense of collective accountability for environmental issues.


"Eco Warriors" single-use plastic campaign at Lulu, the local supermarket. Teaching family members and employees the consequences of single-use plastics. advocating the switch of single-use items with reusable ones, such as water bottles and carrier bags.

Sensory Garden Goals

Build a sensory garden that reflects our commitments to green and plastic initiatives.

Showcase the wide variety of indigenous plants and trees to celebrate Oman's habitat.

To use repurposed, recycled, and upcycled materials to create the sensory garden, showcasing our commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability.

Sensory Garden Plans

Our 'Eco Warroirs' teamed up with our Math, Art, and Design departments to design the sensory garden.

Sensory Garden Plans

To only use recycled, upcycled, or found materials to build our structures.

Sensory Garden Plans

Finding creative ways to display and access all of the trees, plants, fruits, and vegetables.

Sensory Garden Plans

We have been given a generous amount of space to use, and we are excited about our seeing our plans come to life.